Valve Sizing Tool

Duso Push Paddle - Endurance Test

Pictures alone may not do it justice, but the actuator push paddle on the Duŝo is extremely robust and durable. Materials were specifically chosen for their durability and fatigue resistance and its construction provides additional strength. It would be akin to attempting to tear a credit card in half with your bare hands. Here's a view on just how robust the push paddle is...

The Duŝo is available with push paddle (and spray plate) in 4 colour options.  Click the links below to visit the product specification page for each Duŝo colour option:

Duŝo Aquamarine (DS-A60A)

Duŝo Black (DS-A60B)

Duŝo Grey (DS-A60G)

Duŝo Yellow (DS-A60Y)